In the east of Bali area, was indeed save a million beauty that seemed endless for the dig and then sold as a tourist attraction.The beauty of water palace at Tirta Gangga example, It has completed the postcard on Bali since the 70s. 80's many inns are popping up around the park which covers 5 acres. Visitors, especially among foreign tourists feel the park was like falling from the sky or they describe it as a piece of beauty that is directly descended from heaven. And do not just tourists who admire Tirta Gangga, every weekend never deserted parking lot of the visit, foreign and domestic tourists also residents of surrounding areas. They perform a ceremony called "melukat" from various ponds in the garden. Karangasem King who came to power about 3 centuries ago to build this park is said without a draft. Just set a few places, dig it of course with the commander, then in 35 years complete with water park with protruding from the source which is then accommodated in the crystal clear pool.
Since its original style garden park of the past in the Netherlands showed that charisma is not playing. The magic still felt to this day, no one dared to wash their feet and wash my face in place of the kings of ancient times often bathe. There are dozens of goldfish for the thighs of adults milling about in the pool, said it was a direct fish stocked by the king of Karangasem in his time.People only dare to bathe in the pool even further in the downstream direction which is reserved for the commoners. Other awesomeness under a beautiful pond fountain stream terraces until now believed that there are inhabiting it, because when in the wake of the king gave him a kind of spell spell called pasupatining urip kalantas.